All our guided tours
Garden suburbs: Le Logis-Floréal
The twin garden suburbs of “Le Logis” and “Floréal” together contain 1,500 houses and constitute the largest group of affordable dwellings built in Belgium in the inter-war years.
Les Marolles: The voice of modest housing
While the urban planning struggle in the Marolles district was the foundation of all the similar struggles that followed in Brussels, it was also closely linked to the history of ARAU and to an iconic personality, the parish priest Jacques Van der Biest, a leader of this struggle and one of the founders of ARAU.
To help participants appreciate all the details of these three architectural ensembles, this guided tour will be by bicycle and we will travel along sections of the “Brussels green promenade” between them.
Workers’ housing and garden suburbs in Molenbeek
This guided tour offers an overview of the types and styles of social housing in Brussels, from the first estates of workers’ housing to Modernist ensembles, passing via garden suburbs, of course.
Around the Cité Terdelt: the story of the Foyer Schaerbeekois
The Cité Terdelt was the first garden suburb in Schaerbeek. Completed in 1926, it includes both single-family houses in the Normandy and Art Deco styles as well as small apartment buildings set on the junctions of main roads.