Garden suburbs: Le Logis-Floréal

Price on request

The twin garden suburbs of “Le Logis” and “Floréal” together contain 1,500 houses and constitute the largest group of affordable dwellings built in Belgium in the inter-war years.


The twin garden suburbs of “Le Logis” and “Floréal” together contain 1,500 houses and constitute the largest group of affordable dwellings built in Belgium in the inter-war years. They were built following the creation of the National Company for Affordable Houses and Dwellings in 1919, by two self-build co-operatives, including a group of typesetters at the “Le Peuple” newspaper. The garden suburb movement was imported from the UK, where many Belgian architects has trained during the First World War, including Jean-Jules Eggericx, the co-ordinator of Le Logis-Floréal. It was an experiment in design and construction techniques. It made references to an individualist and ruralist ideal while simultaneously relying on the solidarity of the self-builders. This new lifestyle blended the standardised with the picturesque, which would prove key to its success.